Category Archives: Episode Commentary

I’ve Got Batman in my Basement

As everyone is aware, I love Static Shock. And I’m going to do a Static episode again soon because I want to and I got a lot more episodes now through umm…magic. I’m not doing one today, but I bring … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | 2 Comments


After a rough week of horrible shit and plane rides and a lackluster cheesecake, it’s time to get back in the game and get my fingers clackin’ on a keyboard again. In a gesture of what’s to come, I already … Continue reading

Posted in Batman Beyond, Episode Commentary | Leave a comment

Heavy Metal

Having a real job is taking its toll on this, my fake job that I don’t get paid for. But I keep trudging on for the 6 people who read this. And of course, for Diane Duane, who is probably … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Superman:TAS | 1 Comment

Fire from Olympus

When I was a kid, I loved Greek shit. That movie, Clash of the Titans? It would be on TV all the time, and everytime I would stumble upon it, I would watch the entire thing. There was that mechanical … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | Leave a comment

Hereafter Pt 2.

All right, I’m back. And I’m feeling a bit better. And there’s still real screenshots and we’re gonna get this gravy train back on the…potato..rails? To recap, Supes got blasted by Toyman, everyone thinks he’s dead except Batman who is … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 2 Comments

Hereafter Pt. 1

Ok enough of me putzing around like this is a goddamn game or something. It’s time to get serious. Are we all putting on our serious faces? Damn right Superman. We’re serious. So serious that we’re gonna do a Justice … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

The Laughing Fish

Actual pictures are back today! Aren’t you all excited? I had a lot of fun drawing them, but I’m not exactly the best artist out there, in case you couldn’t tell. I couldn’t decide which B:TAS episode to do, so … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | Leave a comment

Where There’s Smoke

Well, Ben’s computer is working again. Unfortunately, he had also just installed Windows XP and Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and I won’t be sucking screenshots out of him until later this week, I think. Plus I already had this backup … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Superman:TAS | Leave a comment

Dead Reckoning

Things are rough over here. We’ve now been without screenshots for…for five days. We’re down to 4 cans of soda. And I think my pen is running dry. Things aren’t looking good. I don’t…I don’t know how much longer we … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 4 Comments

You Scratch My Back

It is October the first! Did you fuckers see that shit in September and how I never missed a single fucking day? How about that? I was actually worried that today would be the first day I fucked up and … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | Leave a comment