Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dave Stewart Colored This For Me

Isn’t it pretty?

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What I’ve Been Doing Instead of Writing

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Probably only mildly relevant.

jordynno: so this lady was calling about tickets for this Scott McClellan thing tonight. jordynno: and she had to switch them to Will Call because they never arrived, but she was thinking about just not going because it’s all ya … Continue reading

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Archive Updated!

The episode archive has been updated. I might archive some of the other stuff in the next week or so too, if I can figure out a sensible way to categorize random crap. Though I hear some guys at a … Continue reading

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A Swanky New Desktop

I got a new computer so I made a new desktop for it. The image is from the inside of one my JL folders, placed on a black background and cleaned up a bit. Enjoy!

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Jordyn sings Seal’s Kiss from a Rose in MSN.

(1:39:04 PM) J’ordynn J’onzz: badda badaaaaa bdaaadaa badaa (1:39:15 PM) J’ordynn J’onzz: baaaadadaadddaaa badadaaa (1:39:44 PM) J’ordynn J’onzz: theeeeeere used to be a grayer tie all alone on a sea (1:39:55 PM) J’ordynn J’onzz: and yoooooooooou became a light on … Continue reading

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ECCC J’onn Sketch

Stephen JB Jones was at Emerald City Comic Con and god, I bugged him for entirely too long. He was a character designer and storyboard artist on various DCAU shows. I also spent some cash on a sketch of Martian … Continue reading

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Happy Valentines Day!

I’ve made these for the past three years now and there’s a lot so most of them are behind the cut, but here are some of my favorites:

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The ten best…

I watched Return of the Joker this weekend as having the soundtrack on a constant loop in my car sort of put me in the mood for it. Watching the flashback to Joker’s death got me thinking about what the … Continue reading

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I Will Bake Dwayne McDuffie A Pie…

For every JLU reference he shoves in his run on Justice League of America. Do you hear me? I have promised you pie. I will even take the time to get good at baking pies before mailing these pies off … Continue reading

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