Category Archives: Comic Scans

Comic Scan: Justice League Adventures #23

Kobra, do you seriously do the “ssss” thing on “sh” words too? (also I have a new article up at so go read it!)

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Comic Scan: JLU #20

I don’t…I don’t even…

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Comic Scan: Batman Adventures Holiday Special

If I had total control over ol’ Bruce, I certainly wouldn’t spend all my time shopping, if ya catch my drift.

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Comic Scan: JLU #28

And leave the sexy lady ornament for Pa…

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Comic Scan: JLU #2

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Comic Scan: JLU #40

Your face is becoming distorted! Perhaps to draw attention away from your mustache!

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Comic Scan: JLU #30

Offsides is a 5-yard penalty.

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JLU #10

I don’t know, Batman; I’ve seen you throw guys pretty far.

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Comic Scan: JLU #38


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JLU #37

He forgot to say “Quack quack, spirit back.”

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