Category Archives: Justice League (Unlimited)

Maid of Honor Part 2

So I spent probably way too much of the last review discussing how hot Batman is. Can you really blame me? I can’t really say if part 2 is going to be better or worse, and I guess it really … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

Maid of Honor

A while back I did a couple “podcast” type things where I’d watch and comment on an episode live and in color and you could play the track while you watched the episode and it’d be like “neat” and stuff. … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 1 Comment

The Cat and the Canary

Did you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday? I know I did! I hope so anyway, I’m writing this on Tuesday. But I’ll pretend it’s Friday. Or try to. Here goes. Gosh, isn’t it crazy all the shopping stuff today? … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 2 Comments

Hearts and Minds pt 2

I know it’s hard to wait a whole day to learn how things end, but I’ve heard rumors that things can always be made better through a technique called “crying about.” I tried this one time when I dislocated my … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

Hearts and Minds Part 1

Christ why do I keep making myself do two-parters? I must be the dumbest person alive. If I get fired for writing stuff at work all the time, you guys are gonna have to chip in to buy me food, … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 10 Comments

Hereafter Pt 2.

All right, I’m back. And I’m feeling a bit better. And there’s still real screenshots and we’re gonna get this gravy train back on the…potato..rails? To recap, Supes got blasted by Toyman, everyone thinks he’s dead except Batman who is … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 2 Comments

Hereafter Pt. 1

Ok enough of me putzing around like this is a goddamn game or something. It’s time to get serious. Are we all putting on our serious faces? Damn right Superman. We’re serious. So serious that we’re gonna do a Justice … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

Dead Reckoning

Things are rough over here. We’ve now been without screenshots for…for five days. We’re down to 4 cans of soda. And I think my pen is running dry. Things aren’t looking good. I don’t…I don’t know how much longer we … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 4 Comments

Doomsday Sanction

For those of you who are unaware, Superman Doomsday comes out tomorrow and you should all head to the store to purchase it. Last summer, DC announced a project of adapting several of its well-known stories to an animated form, … Continue reading

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

Brave and the Bold pt 2

We’re back for the stunning conclusion of Brave and the Bold! Let’s take a look at the recap provided for us at the beginning of the episode: A truck crashed, there was a scientist lady, a gorilla showed up, there … Continue reading

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