Category Archives: Batman:TAS

Tyger, Tyger

If there’s one thing I know about, it’s probably already been mentioned by this point. But I thought of another thing I am at least passingly familiar with: spelling things with a Y instead of the normal vowel. Good ol’ … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | 1 Comment

I Am The Night

Batman is one hard working crime fighter. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t poop, doesn’t breathe, doesn’t do anything except for fight crime. How does he keep himself motivated? T-shirt? Posters? Maybe a picture of his parents frowning at him … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | 2 Comments


This might be the only episode review this week as I do a Christmas thing on Wednesday and a voice actor thing on Friday. Next week will probably be more holiday stuff and I’m gonna whip out holiday scans for … Continue reading

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The Worry Men

(Hey! Reviews Wed, Thu, and Fri this week! B:TAS today, JL Th/F) We’re closing in on when we start closing in on the holiday season, which means that people will soon start getting stressed out and other people will get … Continue reading

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I’ve Got Batman in my Basement

As everyone is aware, I love Static Shock. And I’m going to do a Static episode again soon because I want to and I got a lot more episodes now through umm…magic. I’m not doing one today, but I bring … Continue reading

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | 2 Comments

Fire from Olympus

When I was a kid, I loved Greek shit. That movie, Clash of the Titans? It would be on TV all the time, and everytime I would stumble upon it, I would watch the entire thing. There was that mechanical … Continue reading

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The Laughing Fish

Actual pictures are back today! Aren’t you all excited? I had a lot of fun drawing them, but I’m not exactly the best artist out there, in case you couldn’t tell. I couldn’t decide which B:TAS episode to do, so … Continue reading

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You Scratch My Back

It is October the first! Did you fuckers see that shit in September and how I never missed a single fucking day? How about that? I was actually worried that today would be the first day I fucked up and … Continue reading

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Day of the Samurai

It is Opposite Day! Black is white, up is down, yes is no, night is day, and ninjas are samurai. And vice versa. Because it is Opposite Day, instead of doing Night of the Ninja again, I guess I’m stuck … Continue reading

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Night of the Ninja

Ninjas. Countless hours have been spent on the internet debating their worth against pirates, zombies, spartans, MADD, and the Catholic Church. They’ve been depicted as turtles, surfers, and people in orange jumpsuits with terrible headbands. I believe Chris Farley also … Continue reading

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