Comic Scan: Batman Adventures #1


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Monkey Fun

Monkeys are universally considered to be funny. Like that one that puts his finger in his butt and then smells and then falls off the branch? HILARIOUS. Monkey butt must smell awful! Ha Ha Ha!

You see, monkeys are known for two things: that video, and going in to space so we don’t have to. In Monkey Fun, a monkey gets launched into space. There is however, now butt-finger smelling.

And I’m just gonna be honest with you guys, this is a fun episode all around, but the highlight is easily this dude’s face:

I think we need a better a look at that.

His face is like that for 4-5 seconds, seriously.

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Comic Scan: JLU #18

That’s terrible math advice.

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DCAU Stuff: Justice League Office Supplies

Over the years, I’ve managed to accrue a great deal of DCAU stuff. Most of it is Justice League stuff since they made so much JL stuff in the show’s peak and I also had money with which to purchase. Hell, they’re still cranking out action figures, despite some of them not making any sense (a red Doomsday?).

I’ve been trying to categorize some of the stuff for the purpose of writing about them, and while cleaning the closet yesterday, I decided to show off my collection of Justice League school/office supplies today.

(I preemptively apologize for terrible picture quality.)

Maybe if I had a Justice League camera, they’d be better.

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Comic Scan: Batman Adventures #5

He just punched through a fucking TV.

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Hearts and Minds pt 2

I know it’s hard to wait a whole day to learn how things end, but I’ve heard rumors that things can always be made better through a technique called “crying about.” I tried this one time when I dislocated my shoulder, but it didn’t seem to do any good. I don’t know, maybe I was doing it wrong.

We left off with John joining a resistance on Kalinor to fight Despero while making out with Katma Tui, while Hawkgirl, J’onn, Flash, and Kilowog get K’s ring recharged so they can head to Kalinor to help.

Eye Eye Eyeeeeeee; Waah Waaaah Waaaaah

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | Leave a comment

Hearts and Minds Part 1

Christ why do I keep making myself do two-parters? I must be the dumbest person alive. If I get fired for writing stuff at work all the time, you guys are gonna have to chip in to buy me food, ok?

That said, my boss isn’t even here today because she’s sick.

Season 2 of Justice League is probably my favorite of any season of any DCAU show. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Cadmus stuff and the overall story arc involved there. But I loved the 2-part structure of the season 2 episodes, and the focus it allowed them to give characters. Hearts and Minds was an episode completely lacking the big three, and I love the way the other four work together. And not just because Hawkgirl and GL’s macking results in Flash and J’onn being in scenes together all the time.

How do I even manage to take notes during those scenes?

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 10 Comments

The Worry Men

(Hey! Reviews Wed, Thu, and Fri this week! B:TAS today, JL Th/F)

We’re closing in on when we start closing in on the holiday season, which means that people will soon start getting stressed out and other people will get depressed and other people will complain about how this bullshit starts earlier and earlier every year, paying no attention to the fact that people are always stressed out and depressed.

Of course, no one is more stressed out or worried about stuff than rich people. You guys are so lucky you’re not rich and you don’t have to worry about stuff like the big deal that’s supposed to happen Wednesday or your investments or anything. Thank god I’m not rich! I just have to worry about still having electricity and a place to live. But at least I don’t have to get to my meeting right away, you know the board hates to be kept waiting ha ha ha!

In every life we have some trouble…

Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary | Leave a comment

Comic Scan: Batman Gotham Adventures #23


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Mad Libs: Secret Origins, Part Two (words provided by PAers in the CoH/V chat)

Superman and Batman soon discovered that the telepathic messages were coming from J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter. He was captured 3.4 years ago by the smelly aliens, then brought to Earth by the astronauts who had gone to visit Mars. Just then, there was a loud noise, like a pumpkin being mauled! The aliens were attacking Earth! People were dancing and barking in brown terror! As Superman, Batman, and Martian Manhunter attempted to scratch and fight off the attackers, other heroes arrived to help them lick. The Flash came with his Scooter, Green Lantern brought his power ring, Hawkgirl came with her mace gallivanting, and Wonder Woman brought her goggles. Fabulously, the heroes worked as a team to defend Earth from the alien attackers who were trying to block the sun. Although Batman and Hawkgirl were captured, the other heroes fought cheerily together. Luckily, Martian Manhunter had a plan-both to summon, and to free Batman and Hawkgirl from the aliens.

(sometimes I wonder if the people who write the mad lib version of the episodes have actually seen the episodes or if they’re just working from a rough outline. Also a job writing mad libs would be a pretty sweet gig.)

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