Other Words I Write
Author Archives: Jordyn
DCAU Stuff: Justice League Office Supplies
Over the years, I’ve managed to accrue a great deal of DCAU stuff. Most of it is Justice League stuff since they made so much JL stuff in the show’s peak and I also had money with which to purchase. … Continue reading
Posted in DCAU Merch
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Comic Scan: Batman Adventures #5
He just punched through a fucking TV.
Posted in Comic Scans
Hearts and Minds pt 2
I know it’s hard to wait a whole day to learn how things end, but I’ve heard rumors that things can always be made better through a technique called “crying about.” I tried this one time when I dislocated my … Continue reading
Hearts and Minds Part 1
Christ why do I keep making myself do two-parters? I must be the dumbest person alive. If I get fired for writing stuff at work all the time, you guys are gonna have to chip in to buy me food, … Continue reading
The Worry Men
(Hey! Reviews Wed, Thu, and Fri this week! B:TAS today, JL Th/F) We’re closing in on when we start closing in on the holiday season, which means that people will soon start getting stressed out and other people will get … Continue reading
Posted in Batman:TAS, Episode Commentary
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Mad Libs: Secret Origins, Part Two (words provided by PAers in the CoH/V chat)
Superman and Batman soon discovered that the telepathic messages were coming from J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter. He was captured 3.4 years ago by the smelly aliens, then brought to Earth by the astronauts who had gone to visit Mars. … Continue reading
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Monkey Fun
Monkeys are universally considered to be funny. Like that one that puts his finger in his butt and then smells and then falls off the branch? HILARIOUS. Monkey butt must smell awful! Ha Ha Ha! You see, monkeys are known … Continue reading →