Announcement: I’ve Crafted an Archive!

Check it the fuck out.

Episode Archive

It’s also linked it in my profile for easy access.

And uh, if you feel like seeing if all those links work properly, be my guest!

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I’ve Got Batman in my Basement

As everyone is aware, I love Static Shock. And I’m going to do a Static episode again soon because I want to and I got a lot more episodes now through umm…magic. I’m not doing one today, but I bring it up for a different reason. Static gets a lot of shit for sometimes being a rather ridiculous show. And while some hate it for that, I love it for that. The greater point I’m getting at here though, is that we often forget how fucking ridiculous some of the episodes of every other series could be. Take for example, every single B:TAS episode that involved the Penguin.

It’s a theme that crops up all over the place. JLU had Kids’ Stuff with the Leaguers as children? Superman had Monkey Fun with a giant monkey that used to be Lois’s? Batman Beyond had Terry’s friend dating a robot. And Batman has I’ve Got Batman in my Basement.

After all that? I assure you, I am ready for Shaquille O’Neal to be doing some guest starring. Not just ready. I embrace it.

An episode with Shaquille O’Neal and the Penguin would be the best.

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Comic Scan: JLU #37

Batman dodges questions almost as well as he dodges punches.

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After a rough week of horrible shit and plane rides and a lackluster cheesecake, it’s time to get back in the game and get my fingers clackin’ on a keyboard again. In a gesture of what’s to come, I already have a headache. At one point, I had episodes planned out weeks in advance but as with everything else lately, I haven’t had time to do much planning.

So last night I just grabbed a volume of Batman Beyond and picked an episode and luck of the draw brought about the tale of teenage angst that unravels in “Golem.”

I got through this whole thing without a Lord of the Rings joke.

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Comic Scan: JLU #4

I gotta catch up on some sleep too.

Also J’onn totally is not wearing any clothes. Or…shifting any clothes.

Look I want to make out with J’onn ok.

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Mad Libs: Secret Origins, Part One (words provided by my little brother)

Batman was doing. He was trying to learn what funny things were happening at Wayne Industries. He discovered that three of the laboratory music teachers were not what they seemed to be. They looked like books and were speaking a language that sounded like poop. Even worse, they were farting and destroying the lab! But before Batman could even play, one of the creatures noticed him and started to race him! Batman stroked back as ridiculously as he could, but they were too crazy. He found himself starting to jump. Just then, Superman stupidly appeared and came to his aid. “Thank you, Superman,” Batman said. “But why are you here?” Superman explained that he was looking for the same alien creatures that Batman was looking for. “I’ve been getting these big telepathic messages and I’ve traced them to this factory. Will you help me investigate?”

Really, even with all weird words inserted, the most implausible part of this is still Batman thanking Superman.

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Comic Scan: Justice League Adventures #32

Not even Martians can say no to free pizza.

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Announcement: Sorry

Probably not gonna have update today. And if there is one, it won’t be up until 4 or 5 central time. 

I can’t wait to get out of the midwest again.

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Comic Scan: Justice League Adventures #33

This is how I felt last night when my family needed to get a CD burned.

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Superman and Airport Security.

I’m here in South Dakota, and my mom’s laptop is even crappier than I thought. Sometimes it’ll just shut off. Just for fun or something. I think the battery is actually a pile of shit. As in someone has plugged this computer into an actual pile of shit.

In the airport yesterday, I was going through security and as my bag goes through the x-ray thinger, a guy points to my bag and asks me if it’s mine. I confirm that it is and he tells me he has to check it. I agree and he unzips it. He digs around for a minute and pulls out the Superman bust I had Bruce Timm sign for my little brother back at Comic-Con.

He chuckles and holds it up to the other two people at the x-ray machine. “It was Superman! Hahaha!” And everyone else laughs. Apparently he looked like a U-joint. Or a U-bomb or something.

Of course he set off the machine though. He’s the man of steel.

(there might be more here later; I’ll make up for no long entry with a bunch of little short ones.)

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