It seems like, if you can fly and you stop to talk to someone who can’t fly, slowly flying along half a foot above them would be really obnoxious.
Other Words I Write
It seems like, if you can fly and you stop to talk to someone who can’t fly, slowly flying along half a foot above them would be really obnoxious.
Well, Ben’s computer is working again. Unfortunately, he had also just installed Windows XP and Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and I won’t be sucking screenshots out of him until later this week, I think. Plus I already had this backup plan ready to go, so why the fuck not? It’ll be another ridiculous entry. Maybe even stupid, if we’re lucky.
There’s a saying, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” which is obviously where the title of this episode comes from. I say I’m not fan of fire, but that isn’t really accurate. I like fire as a concept and I like campfires and wheels of fire and balls of fire. Those are just great. I don’t like the idea of my stuff on fire.
I also don’t like the idea of me on fire. Unless of course, I had awesome pyrokinetic powers. Unless I was terrible at controlling them and would end up burning all my stuff. Really, I can’t think of what I would do with fire powers besides look really awesome when someone needed a cigarette lit.
This frame actually makes more sense out of context than it does in.
Things are rough over here. We’ve now been without screenshots for…for five days. We’re down to 4 cans of soda. And I think my pen is running dry. Things aren’t looking good. I don’t…I don’t know how much longer we can hold out over here. We’re going to struggle through it. I only pray that we all survive.
It’s time to write about the episode. It’s–FUCK…it’s Dead Reckoning. Everyone be careful. We’re here on the frontlines, let’s see what happens.
First off, to anyone who read yesterday’s entry but didn’t see the comments later on: go check out the comments. It’s fucking awesome.
Secondly, my husband sent me this:
which he considers “me making it to the big leagues” and I consider “google recognizing that my livejournal does in fact have words.”
He also sent me a link where I was apparently quoted in a blog about belts.
In honor of my first paycheck at the new job, please enjoy these disembodied heads concerned about their money.
In the business of Hollywood, there are lots of stars. Big names that get all the credit, that make the big bucks, and get the fanciest office. The same holds true in the world of animation.
The DCAU is strung together by Bruce Timm, and we all know who he is. We recognize names of those who’ve made these series what they are, from Paul Dini to Stan Berkowitz to Alan Burnett, Dwayne McDuffie, James Tucker, Andrea Romano, Shirley Walker, Kevin Conroy, Phil Lamarr, Michael Rosenbaum; it goes on and on.
But there are other people working hard behind the scenes over the years to bring you quality television. And without these people, they would’ve had to find different people.
Today, we shine a brilliant spotlight upon these people.
People you don’t know.
There’s no way it would ever take both of them to take out two thugs, but teaming up to freak them the fuck out is way more fun.
It is October the first! Did you fuckers see that shit in September and how I never missed a single fucking day? How about that? I was actually worried that today would be the first day I fucked up and had to say “sorry guys” but I’m sitting here and I’m gonna churn this fucker out for you.
I still have to apologize for one thing though. See, Ben my husband, is the guy who takes all the screenshots for me, because the DVD player on my computer is…I don’t know stupid or something and I can’t seem to fix it. Unfortunately, he managed to pretty much break his computer for a week. As a result, I’m going to have to make due today with whatever shots I can get from the internet.
This uh…this is gonna be tough.
I’m gonna try to make it through today, and hopefully since Wednesday is just gonna be a spotlight entry I can get through that too. Friday might be a complete mess. Just wait and see. See the mess I shall create!
We haven’t done any TNBA for a while so today we’re gonna take a look at You Scratch My Back. When I first got that volume of DVDs I watched this episode several times because it has one of my favorite moments in it.
The Laughing Fish
Actual pictures are back today! Aren’t you all excited? I had a lot of fun drawing them, but I’m not exactly the best artist out there, in case you couldn’t tell.
I couldn’t decide which B:TAS episode to do, so I just asked for a request and the first one I got was “The Laughing Fish.”
And I have no fucking idea why I agreed to it because there is absolutely nothing to make fun of in this episode. It is brilliantly written by Paul Dini, and amazingly directed by Bruce Timm. The commentary might as well be:
“Go watch this episode, it’s awesome.”
Go watch this episode, it’s awesome.