Announcement: Sometimes People Die

My grandfather passed away early this morning (I guess yesterday, now) so I have to hop a flight back to South Dakota for a funeral. The problem with South Dakota (among the million other problems) is that I won’t be at my own computer and I don’t have like a laptop or anything because I’m not rich and I don’t get paid to do this.

Absent of the comforts of my desktop, this might be a…hmm…odd week, for lack of a better word. I’m not even sure what this is going to consist of yet.

At any rate, my stuffed J’onn and I will see you back here with actual fat meaty episode commentaries next Monday assuming I don’t scare you off with whatever happens this week.

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Comic Scan: Gotham Adventures #2

This guys is shocked.

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Heavy Metal

Having a real job is taking its toll on this, my fake job that I don’t get paid for. But I keep trudging on for the 6 people who read this. And of course, for Diane Duane, who is probably here now, reading this. ‘Sup Diane? Don’t worry, the rest of this has nothing to do with you.

And everything to do with the Superman episode titled Heavy Metal. As opposed to heavy medals, which they give out at strong man competitions. Those things are the best. “Carry this semi 30 ft” is a wonderful way to test a man.

The semi also has a man in it.

Posted in Episode Commentary, Superman:TAS | 1 Comment

Comic Scan: Justice League Adventures #23

I’m gonna try to make putting your hand on your head like an “L” and calling people losers cool agian.

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Fire from Olympus

When I was a kid, I loved Greek shit. That movie, Clash of the Titans? It would be on TV all the time, and everytime I would stumble upon it, I would watch the entire thing. There was that mechanical owl and Medusa and man that movie was awesome.

I also once dressed up for toga day during high school.

A toga would be an awesome thing to wear during Homecoming Week when they do “Blast from the Past” day.

Batman takes a walk through Greek Creek in the episode Fire from Olympus.

My cuts. Let me show you them.

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Comic Scan: Gotham Adventures #20

When eating cereal, I also grasp the spoon awkwardly with my left hand.

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Hereafter Pt 2.

All right, I’m back. And I’m feeling a bit better. And there’s still real screenshots and we’re gonna get this gravy train back on the…potato..rails?

To recap, Supes got blasted by Toyman, everyone thinks he’s dead except Batman who is never ever fooled by anything ever. Lobo shows up, villians are going crazy in Metropolis so he helps the league fight them and we find that Superman is not dead but seems to be somewhere out of this world.

Livejournal Strategies: Coping with Cuts

Posted in Episode Commentary, Justice League (Unlimited) | 2 Comments

Comic Scan: Justice League Adventures #33

When it comes to fighting children, I’m always serious.

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Comic Scan: Batman Adventures #16

I’m incredibly sorry to announce that part 2 of Hereafter won’t be done until Monday, as I got a call last night that my grandpa has gotten quite sick and will probably not last more than another week. As a result, my comedy reserves are running on low.

I’m going to go ahead and put a scan up that I think is pretty funny.

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Hereafter Pt. 1

Ok enough of me putzing around like this is a goddamn game or something. It’s time to get serious. Are we all putting on our serious faces?

Damn right Superman.

We’re serious.

So serious that we’re gonna do a Justice League two-parter. Which means entries today (THURSDAY) and tomorrow (FRIDAY) and then on Saturday I am going to pass out. And on Monday I don’t even know what I’m doing yet.

But right now I’m doing Hereafter. Let’s pretend that it’s because Superman dies in it, and Superman Doomsday came out recent so it’s Superman’s Death Month but it’s actually because I love Vandal Savage and Lobo.

Probably not the last time I make a joke about Head On

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