Hell hath no fury like that guy telling stories.
Other Words I Write
Hell hath no fury like that guy telling stories.
Due to some stupid-as-fuck difficulties with my Static torrents and diddling around the comic shop and then um, I had some pizza…the review won’t be up til sometime tomorrow afternoon (I am basically going to try to write the entire thing at work.) Though I assure you it’ll be worth the wait.*
*wait may not** actually be worth it.
**wait almost definitely not worth it.
(little somethin’ different today)
Not “died in a car crash.”
I checked.
It’s sure fun writing this stuff at work. A dimly lit office where I occasionally answer a phone and listen to the hum of ticket printers is highly conducive to humorous writing. But hey, typing them up in Thunderbird to e-mail to myself does offer the advantage of having a spellcheck. Which I need terribly because I’m stuck using one of those stupid keyboards and I keep hitting “b” instead of “v” and I keep hitting a big space of nothing instead of “b.” Fuck.
I know you guys are all waiting with bated breath for my Static commentary on Friday, but for now you get some Batman Beyond.
Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); it has the meaning “reduced, lessened, lowered in force.” So bated breath refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing through terror, awe, extreme anticipation, or anxiety. (From worldwidewords.org)
For Christmas last year, my mom got me the Mask of the Phantasm soundtrack. And with Shirley Walker’s masterful scoring, it’s one of my favorite CDs. It’s fun to listen to it and pretend that you’re, I don’t know, beating up guys, or something.
Then for some goddamn reason, the credits for that movie contain such a dumb song. I couldn’t imagine something being more out of place.
Ya ever get pizza for supper and then as you’re eating it, you realize that you’ve had pizza for the last 3 days in a row?
Ya ever start picking out a pair of jeans only to realize that you already own those jeans?
Yeah well, uh…
I accidentally did a Parasite episode of Superman without realizing that I did one of those like two Superman reviews ago. So whoops. It’s already watched though and the notes already scribbled out.
One is the loneliest number, and Two’s a Crowd. Not exactly my definition of a crowd but who am I to argue with common sayings.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Shock to the System
I know you guys were all incredibly disappointed when you checked things out this morning, only to find that my Static review was not yet completed. Well don’t worry! Because now I’m here and I’m ready to disappoint you more! Your disappointment quotas will be filled and then some.
This is only my second Static review and I wanted to do a third season one but everything was dumb and it wouldn’t work. So I’m gonna do the first episode instead. Static’s humble beginnings.
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