Behind the Scenes: I Ask Bruce Timm a Dumb Question

These Behind the Scenes are still in a very malleable state, and today we’re going to try a bit of me discussing something with one of the creative forces behind the show.

Today that creative source is the creative source: Bruce Timm.

I had about 1 short minute to talk to Timm at this year’s Comic-Con and here’s how I used it.

(this is very paraphrased)

Me: Hey can I ask you a dumb question?
Me: Is the Lexcorp Building supposed to look like a face?
BRUCE TIMM: What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Me: The Lexcorp Building. It’s got two windows that look like eyes and the L logo looks like a nose.
BRUCE TIMM: I have never noticed that before.
Me: Oh. Well, it does. We thought it might be intentional, and then in that one episode, the big Brainiac skull comes out of it.
BRUCE TIMM: No, it wasn’t intentional.

For reference:

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